Unschooling My Art Book Review: Brave Intuitive Painting

For more on the Unschooling My Art series, click HERE.

There is this space that I find sometimes when I’m painting where everything outside of my canvas seems to fade away.  There is no conscious thought… the perfect next move just flows.  No worry or fear of where the canvas is headed… it just comes easily and naturally.  The paint is an extension of me.  Usually this happens around a full moon, when finger-painting, when I’m listening to great music, or when a huge inspiration has come straight from my soul.  I have yet to find a way to consistently tap into this space until now.

I just got done reading the book Brave Intuitive Painting by Flora Bowley.  I must say, it is quite possibly the best art book I’ve ever read.  I know that’s a loaded statement…. I’ve read nearly one art book each week since I started painting a little over a year ago.  This book far surpasses the others I’ve read.  It has helped me tap into that wild, untamed place of creating each and every time I step up to the canvas.  And it doesn’t just feel like I’m copying exactly what she does either.  Some art books that I’ve read have been “here’s a formula for how you can create a painting just like me”.  That’s not what I want out of an art book.. I want an artist to show me their process, how they get the depth and variation in their painting, what to do when I get stuck, and tips on how to stay inspired.   But then I want them to step back and let me find my own path.  This is exactly what Flora does in this book. 


For a long time, I’ve felt my taste far supersedes my ability to paint… which is really frustrating.  It is humbling to be a beginner and to know how much you still have to learn. For the longest time, I’ve wanted my paintings to have more depth, but I just couldn’t really make it all translate to a canvas.  What I appreciate about this book is Flora really shows you how to build up depth in a canvas.  What would usually be my second layer in a canvas is now my 5th or 6th after having read this book.

“Painting from a place of clear connection with your intuition allows you to create freely and without the constriction caused by fear and doubt.  Your intuitive self is able to paint with spontaneity, passion, and courage – trusting in the unknown and believing everything you do is meant to happen.”  ~ Flora Bowley

I’m slowly learning to paint from my intuition instead of my logical brain.  It just feels right and natural to me.  If you like this type of painting, you should go check out her book!  You will love it!

**My latest work in progress I posted was done after I read this book.  You can go HERE to view that painting and see some of what I’m talking about!

What is your favorite art book you’ve ever read?  Do tell!  I love that my local library has pretty much every art book I ever searched for!  Makes my voracious appetite for reading infinitely more bearable.

3 thoughts on “Unschooling My Art Book Review: Brave Intuitive Painting

  1. Hmmmm…Maybe I will walk to my library today and check this out. I love this style of listening to one’s inner voice and Feeling It when painting, layering,…

  2. Pingback: Work in Progress Wednesday | True Color

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